Make space for yourself to hear your intuition, experience your innate gifts, breathe, find your center and move towards the life you want. Gain a deeper understanding of your own worth and value in order to create the life and impact you intend to.

What we offer:


Community Meetup Membership Program

What if there were the perfect “professional development” that focussed first on you and then supported you behind the scenes so that you could be the best, most highly developed professional that you wanted to be? 

Our intention is to support a global community of art educators and give us a place to connect, share resources, been seen and heard, offer supportive coaching, spread emotional intelligence tools, give people an affordable option to focus on personal and professional growth. Program runs June 2021-June 2022.


Build and Transform Your Business Bootcamp

Whether you are an emerging artist looking to build your website and brand or an established artist ready to dive into the behind the scenes side of administrative things as an entrepreneur, this bootcamp offers you the opportunity to take big strides in a very short amount of time. This virtual class will meet online July 20-23, 2021 from 12-4pm PST.

Independent Study

The six-week independent study course allows you to work on your own time at any time of day or night anywhere in the world…

With a Group

Get the independent study course and meet with a group once a week to share in your breakthroughs and experiences together.

One on One

Want to focus on a specific area for growth or project? Each One on One program is customized to fit your needs for one hour a week with optional voice messaging support.