Make space for yourself to hear your intuition, experience your innate gifts, breathe, find your center and move towards the life you want. Gain a deeper understanding of your own worth and value in order to create the life and impact you intend to.

What we offer:


Tune into Your Intuition

Over 11 weeks, practice tuning into your own inner knowledge and intuition, expand your creativity, get grounded in the present, release old patterns and blocks to strengthen your sense of self, clairvoyance, clairsentience and claircognizance, abundance and hidden abilities.

This course includes a launch party, weekly online curriculum and zoom meditations, daily journal prompts, Group Chat/Server, Laughing Yoga and final group celebration.

We will meet on Zoom weekly on Mondays from 5-6pm PST (recordings will be available for those who cannot attend live sessions). Due to the holidays, we will not meet Dec. 26 and Jan 2, extra recorded meditations will be available for those dates).

Choose to release stress, anxiety, grief, sadness, over analysis and thought patterns that don’t serve you and bring in a fresh perspective based on your own magical abilities.

Learn to ground the space you’re in (perfect for teachers!) so that you can distinguish between your own thoughts and energy vs. what’s not yours.


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Back to Basics Toolbox

Are you getting stressed out about school starting soon? Trying to squeeze in those last bits of summer fun before your schedule gets maxed out and you are busy busy busy?

Let us help! Our Back to Basics Toolbox Course will support your mind, body, heart & soul and boost your resiliency!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

The course launches August 5th and presale is now available!


One on One

Want to focus on a specific area for growth or project? Each One on One program is customized to fit your needs for one hour a week with optional voice messaging support.


Crash Course in Creative Apps

This is a private class to be booked one on one or with your own small group.

During this fun-filled 2 hour crash course via Zoom, you will be exposed to a plethora of digital apps on your mobile device (this class will be taught on an iPhone and iPad, most Apps are similar on an Android and Android users are most welcome). Prior to the class, we will confirm which apps can best support you in your business goals.

Expect to gain experience in file management and switching between multiple apps as you get your feet wet using: photos, color correcting, basic photo editing, sharing files in the cloud, emailing/texting/air dropping attachments, using Google Drive.­

We will exploring the possibilities to create social media marketing materials for your personal brand in different shapes, sizes and colors using pre existing templates or creating your own.

We will use a variety of free Apps including Adobe mobile apps* and how to create a still image with added text and add it to a video. This class is perfect for teens and adults who are seeking exposure to maximize their creative possibilities with the tools at hand.

*Prior to the class, you will be given instructions on which apps to download and create free accounts to login to for the class.